The Youth Center is now counting with more services than before. A kitchen, has recently been built, aiming at improving the services it offers to the youths of this area. Two main objectives will be accomplished with this project.
Firstly, as we host various youth activities, we have eased the kitchen department. We no longer need to order food from elsewhere or prepare it in precarious conditions. We can now have food from our youth center, by so doing, we reduce the expenditure to the hosted youths. That not being enough, we can now offer better kitchen conditions with potable water available for drinking, cooking and doing the washing up. A byproduct aim being attained, concerns the employment. Given the fact that Mahagi has a center of formation in culinary, the kitchen department will help them show their skills to their fellow youths. In this sense, we will be able to offer our formed youths, not only a place to do their professional internship but also to work for center and its youths.
The two advantages of having this new department at our center, cannot be undermined. We strive at offering youth the opportunity to serve their fellow youth. While reducing their unemployment rate, they are also exercising their ability to better their lives and those of others.