Youth Centre with Our Commitment to Digital Literacy

In the modern world, literacy is more than just knowing how to read and write. Among various sides of modern literacy lies digital literacy which offers skills and a key to access numerous opportunities. Unfortunately, a big gap is created between the privileged youths and those with limited access like in the rural areas and areas affected with insecurity like ours.

To cover this gap, our youth centre has been dedicated to offering computer lessons at various levels. However, we have been having limited resources. With the generosity of our benefactors and benefactresses, we have maximised our capacity to link the gap that exists between the poorest of the poor and the rich with this digital literacy. We have obtained new computers for the professional section, and thus, want the least privileged and the internally displaced youths to take a step further towards life transformation. We want to extend our reach to more unprivileged youths. We want to empower them with tools to explore the vastness of resources and knowledge with technology. In as much as it carries an educational purpose and interactive platform, it equips them with certain important skills. We aim at enabling them to have an access to a global communication connecting with their peers. Share their perspectives, write and share their stories. Most importantly, we want them to provide their side of the story over what it is said of their experience.

Thus, the computers received, will foster an environment of growth, learning and connectivity. It lays a foundation for more abled and informed youths who can tell their own story over their experience from their local communities.


Posted on

July 30, 2024

1 Comment

  1. Malleto

    This is a Good one, Keep the noble work going


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